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Hey guys, sorry we are posting late this time but I promise this article which you are going to read will be worth a read and will cash your time definitely.
Our today’s article is about BUDDY the first Companion Robot.
·         Buddy’s Introduction
·         Buddy is your ultimate partner
·         Buddy’ Services
Buddy is an open source robot developed by Bluefrog Robotics. This is a companion robot which is developed to make your everyday life easier. It not only interacts with you but also help you in every facet of life. Being an open source robot, it allows developer to customize it in its own way and use it accordingly. It is easy to use as it is having a user-friendly interface. Buddy is also democratizing robotics.
What Can BUDDY Do?
  •  Works as personal assistant
  •  Can be your playmate
  • Protects your house
  •  Hands-free helper
  •  Keeps your loved ones close

Buddy Services Include: -
  •  Home Security: -Buddy keeps an eye at your house when you are not there and sends alert signals if it founds any kind of any unusual situation. It keeps track of every kind of sensor which is installed in your house.
  • Smart home: -It can be connected to any of your smart device and control it like wearables lights.
  •  Social Interaction: -Can share photos and videos and provides connection to all your social networks.
  • Multimedia
  •  Personal assistance
  •  Elder Care: -Detects any kind of unusual inactivity actions.   
  •  Edutainment
  •  Add More: -You can also add more features by yourself by downloading new applications and adding new accessories.

Final Review: -
Buddy is a nice piece of tech which will help in you in house hold chores. It can recognize speech and respond to it. It also has three tires which helps it to move you can say that these tires act as its legs. Buddy is developed on Android operating system and is powered by Arduino. Bluefrog Robotics is planning to launch Buddy late this year. Buddy will be available at price less 100k which is definitely a mind-boggling price for such device.
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